Senin, 19 September 2016

My Reason Choosing Study at Tanjungpura University

My name Uray Dini Apriza. I was born Singkawang City 11 April 1998 . I major in electrical engineering at the Tanjungpura University.
The reason I go college at  Tanjungpura University because it is one of university that I want to go .Many achievements have been in reach by the students Tanjungpura University. Parents as well as my family is also very support me to choose  Tanjungpura University. And it also easily to my parents visit me because Tanjungpura University located in West Kalimantan.
Tanjungpura University including leading universities in Indonesia, and demand very much. I choose electrical engineering in Tanjungpura University because there are many achievements. Educators there is also very professional.
Tanjungpura University built in very nice and spacious, landscaped garden there neat. The faculties contained in Tanjungpura University consists of nine faculties, namely the Faculty of Law, Economics, Agriculture, Engineering, Social and Political Science, Teaching and Education, Forestry, Mathematical and Natural Sciences, Medicine and Health Sciences.
The campus is located in Pontianak and easily recognizable from their Digulists monument located in front of the campus. Digulists monument is also known as Roundabout Tanjungpura University.

I'm glad to be students at Tanjungpura University, and I will optimize my chance in this college by wisely, and I will get some new experience by join some students activities, and i won't disappointed my parents and people that support me to go to college at Tanjungpura University.

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