Kamis, 20 Oktober 2016

Smartphone apps That I like

Talking about applications, many applications are in use with different functions depending. Apps that I like is ...

JOOX (derived from the word "jukebox") is a legal streaming music application service over the Internet with a personal touch, which was launched by Tencent Holdings Ltd from Shenzhen, China, which is the company behind instant messaging WeChat. Available in the form of a mobile app (Android and iOS) and the web site, users can listen to more than two million songs and playlists local and international options for free, and download them to listen offline.
JOOX provide millions of songs that can be listened to music lovers for free, and can be downloaded for listening offline through the VIP service. The available music is very diverse, ranging from local music, Asian, and international, from a variety of genres.
Through JOOX Radio, users can access dozens of radio that are divided into several categories that can be selected according to taste, contains songs that thematic selection.
This feature provides a choice of playlists varied specifically curated by a team JOOX one based on the musical trends in Indonesia and were made in several categories such as "Genre", "Mood", "type", "Activities" and is also trending as a theme "Throwback" , so users do not have to bother looking for songs by category they want to listen.

Webtoon stands for WEB CARTOON, derived from korea (south korea). Characteristic of this is the picture webtoon FULL COLOR !!!!! so you better enjoy reading and can be imagined character.LINE webtoon contained in a service where fans can find a web-based comic content (webcomic) regularly, because LINE webtoon are pioneers who apply the system daily to provide the latest episodes of the series alike popular every day, every week.
The users can also enjoy various types / genre webcomics, easy access to download content and receive notifications when new series will be released / available.
LINE webtoon also serves as a digital publishing platform (available on the web and mobile: Android and iOS) free for the makers of both amateur and professional comics to showcase their best work to the comic enthusiasts worldwide.

thank you for visiting my blog ^^

(363 words)

Jumat, 07 Oktober 2016

Movie that Best Describes My Life

Mostly, female adolescents age love Korean film, very different from me. I prefer the movie-themed horror and thriller. I particularly liked the movie about ghosts, murder, psychopaths and zombies. I highly updates about the movie theme. I was very excited to watch when i saw the tragic scene and I particularly liked the tragic scene, haha ​​I think I'm a little strange. or maybe I'm weird. I even had time to take a test online psychopath and the results of 80% near psychopathic hahaha LOL. And the second test I got 100% results, and written on the screen ARE YOU A PSYCHOPATH ? haha of course not, I think I can answer that question because I often watch movies about psychopaths so I know the mind of a psychopath. But you have to know, I'd love horror movies and zombie movies than psychopaths.

This time I will discuss Movie that Best Describes My Life. The movie that I think best describes me is from the genre of anime. Title of the film is Hiyokoi. The main character in the film is very similar to mine. She named Hiyokoi a high school student who is very shy. You must know, I'm a very shy even though from the outside looks I was cool. I do not even dare to talk with staring eyes. when I started high school many are saying I was cool, but it is not. I rarely talk to them, because I was shy to talk with new friends. I did not even dare to go to the store alone, because I was shy. when I'm embarrassed I was always nervous and sometimes I think want to disappear from the earth haha ​​I know I was stupid to think so. The main character in this film is also short like me. We did the same to be the shortest in the class haha LOL. My height is only 148cm. The story is also similar to my life, my best friend always there for me and always at my side. And in the film also has a best friend like me. In the film she always went to school with her friend like me. I was embarrassed when I have to go alone. And do not feel I can be a casual chat with newfound friends like in the movie.

By the way, there is also a version of the manga Hiyokoi. I really like reading manga version. Somehow I really like her character. Perhaps because we are equally as short and shy haha.

Thank you for visiting my blog^^

(431 words)

Rabu, 05 Oktober 2016

My Observation of International Cultural Festival

This time i will share about my observation of International Cultural Festival in Pontianak
Before that, I am sorry in the video my eyes always look to the top, sides and bottom. It was because I was very shy and nervous